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Mukutan Conservancy is a sanctuary on the Great Rift Valley's eastern rim in Laikipia, Kenya. It offers refuge to countless species of wildlife and hosts a myriad of ecosystems. Covering 88,000 acres of iconic and diverse landscapes it is recognised as a Key Biodiversity Area and an Important Bird Area. Mukutan’s abundant springs serve as a vital water source for Lake Bogoria, Lake Baringo and local communities. 

Mukutan connects the abundant wildlife of the Laikipia Plateau with the vast landscapes and cultures of the Great Rift Valley, the evolutionary birthplace of the homo sapiens and now a culturally rich heartland for pastoral and agrarian communities. The dramatic Mukutan Gorge, which bridges the two biomes, hides caves with early palaeolithic stone tools and ancient ritual sites. 

Mukutan is located at a convergence where six different ethnic communities come together.  We are part of a rich community with whom we share our natural resources and a vision for the thriving future of our ecosystem. 

Mukutan relies on collective efforts, valuing collaboration with communities, organisations, donors and visitors. Committed to inclusivity, we integrate neighbouring communities through dialogue, education and sustainable social enterprises, providing economic opportunities and empowering locals in conservation. This ensures Mukutan thrives as a vital ecosystem, enhancing the well-being of all connected to it.


“Creating the conservancy was my way of honouring the land, of giving back and restoring what had been lost. It became a labour of love, fueled by my passion for this remarkable place."


Kuki Gallmann




Mukutan pioneers a holistic conservation model. A connected formula that is addressing biodiversity protection, community development, and the higher consciousness of humanity, inspiring a global community to join the journey. Our vision extends beyond preservation and protection; we are the stewards of a harmonious ecosystem, a catalyst for empowerment, a sanctuary for the soul and a canvas for creativity.

We exist to integrate Humanity and Nature and strive for a world where biodiversity and well-being thrive side by side, fostering a balanced coexistence.


In a world where conservation often loses its wild essence, Mukutan remains untouched by over-commercialisation.  We embody untamed landscapes, a place of adventure, excitement, hope, and belief in the profound connection between nature and humanity. 


Mukutan envisions a lasting harmony between nature and community. Together, we strive for a future where biodiversity, the environment, and human well-being flourish side by side. 


At Mukutan Conservancy, we’re dedicated to developing an integrated model of landscape conservation and management, working with local communities through education, innovation and social enterprse to protect the unique flora, fauna, soils and water of the eco-system upon which we all depend and thus to foster the regenerative development of the broader landscape of Kenya's Great Rift Valley.



Mukutan acknowledges that investing in biodiversity conservation is not only an ethical imperative but also a prudent strategy for ensuring long-term economic sustainability. By prioritising the protection of ecosystems and their species, we will preserve and enhance natural capital, bolster the resilience of economies, and secure a prosperous future for local communities. 


Our efforts contribute to the preservation of biodiversity, providing a foundation for sustainable enterprises that harness the economic value of natural resources. The conservancy’s biodiversity serves as vital natural capital, yielding essential ecosystem services crucial for human well-being and economic development. This aligns with numerous studies highlighting the economic benefits of biodiversity protection and sustainable uses of natural capital. 

Whilst maintaining the integrity of the natural environment, Mukutan embraces sustainable enterprises that contribute to local livelihoods, creates employment opportunities and promotes economic growth. Mukutan has become a catalyst for community well-being, providing education, healthcare and vital services to local communities, whilst becoming an anchor for peace and dialogue amongst different communities. 



Mukutan, and its gorge, unveil early palaeolithic tools and ancient ritual sites, attesting to humanity’s enduring connection with this natural haven. Originally overlooked for livestock due to its rugged and rocky terrain and abundant wildlife, oral histories indicate that Mukutan became a refuge for nomadic communities during drought due to its abundant natural springs. 

Mukutan was officially gazetted in the 1950s and managed by a Kenyan farming and ranching company. In 1972, nine years after Kenya’s independence, the land was acquired by Paolo and Kuki Gallmann, who made it their mission to regenerate the land, which had become very over-grazed, and protect it as an iconic piece of Kenyan heritage. 


After both Paolo and their beloved son Emmanuele died in tragic accidents, Kuki founded the Gallmann Memorial Foundation which was ‘dedicated to the harmonious co-existence of people and nature in Africa’ and which has supported biodiversity protection, education and innovation ever since. 


Transforming a barren landscape into a thriving ecosystem, Kuki’s stewardship led to remarkable regeneration. The water table rose, sustaining numerous springs, and biodiversity flourished. Despite challenges, Mukutan stood as a pillar of stability during politically turbulent times, advocating for peace and coexistence. 


In 2021, leadership passed to Kuki’s daughter Sveva Gallmann and Nigel Adams, marking a new era with a sustainable, community-integrated vision.  

Previously known as Ol Ari Nyrio (“the place of dark springs” in the Maa language), our new name has meanings in many of the indigenous languages that populate the region: the “Mugutan” tree, from the Ilchamus language, is a renowned medicinal plant; in the Pokot language, it means a whetstone; and in Swahili, the unifying language of Kenya, it means “a meeting place.” We strive to embody all of these meanings, providing healing to the ecosystem, a sharpening of our tools and understanding, and most importantly we are a space for collaboration, dialogue, and interdependence in a diverse landscape. 


The Mukutan Gorge defines the conservancy’s landscape, a unique and dramatic feature, which plunges from acacia woodland and savanna into verdant valleys thick with palms and dotted with springs and waterfalls. Even in the harshest droughts, the Mukutan flows with abundant water and is a calm refuge to wildlife. 


Kuki Gallmann is a celebrated author known for her evocative writings about life in Africa. Her memoir, "I Dreamed of Africa," became a bestseller and was adapted into a feature film in 2000, starring Kim Basinger. The book and movie depict Gallmann's adventurous and often challenging experiences on her Kenyan ranch, highlighting her deep connection to the land and commitment to conservation.

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Kuki GallmannFounder


Kuki, the remarkable founder of Mukutan Conservancy, is a living testament to resilience and passion. Her personal journey, marked by triumphs and challenges, has fueled her deep connection to the land and unwavering commitment to conservation.

From overcoming adversity to forging a path of environmental stewardship, Kuki's inspiring story serves as a testament to the transformative power of determination and the enduring love for nature. Her tireless efforts in ecological regeneration, uplifting communities, and creating sustainable enterprises stand as a testament to her indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication to protecting our planet for future generations.

Her Best-Selling Books, most notably ‘I Dreamed of Africa’,  continue to draw many travellers to Kenya. 


Nigel AdamsExecutive Director


Growing up living between Thailand, Laos, Hong Kong and the UK Nigel developed a passion for different cultures, which he pursued through university and into his early career.

Nigel holds a degree in History and a Masters in business from Oxford university and has an eclectic career encompassing private equity, entrepreneurship and consultancies for UNEP, FFI, Oxfam, TNC and many others.

He has extensive experience in community engagement, business, and conservation and is focused on guiding Mukutan into the next phase of its development. 

Sveva Gallmann - Director

​Sveva is a passionate conservationist, educator, and advocate for sustainable living. As the Director of Mukutan Conservancy, she leads efforts to protect the pristine landscapes of Laikipia County, Kenya. Born and raised within the Conservancy, Sveva’s connection to the land runs deep.

She holds an MSc in Human Sciences from New College, Oxford, and she is dedicated to bridging the gap between generations through the award-winning Four Generations Project. Through this initiative, she empowers local communities, especially children, to appreciate their cultural heritage and actively participate in conservation efforts.

Under her leadership, Mukutan Conservancy has become a model for harmonious coexistence between people, wildlife, and the environment.


Whether she’s tracking elephants, collaborating with local schools, or advocating for policy change, Sveva embodies the spirit of stewardship and resilience. Her vision is to create a world where humans and wildlife thrive together, and Mukutan stands as a testament to that vision.

Allan BandiSecurity Manager


Allan Bandi is a Kenyatta University graduate in Environmental Studies majoring in Environmental Resource Conservation. He has demonstrable career proficiency in wildlife security, crime investigation and intelligence gathering that spans to a decade at the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) in supervisory roles. Allan has also worked in the private sector in various project management capacities including as project officer for International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and the Pangolin Project. 


As the Security Manager for Mukutan, Allan is keen on leveraging on technology in the protection of wildlife and detecting/deterring emerging wildlife crimes trends, while also working with communities.  Allan leads a capable team of rangers that he continuously trains, mentors, and coaches to enhance productivity and efficiency in their roles, with a vision to make LNC the safest place for wildlife within the landscape.


Michael Musyoka KiiyoAccountant & Finance Officer


Michael hails from South Eastern Kenya, Kibwezi East, near the Chyulu Hills and is a registered accountant with vast accounting, auditing, budgeting, finance and taxation knowledge both in private and public sectors. Michael joined Mukutan Conservancy in August 2016 and has spearheaded the Accounts & Finance department for the last 8 years. He believes in transparency, teamwork, accountability and being the custodian of the organisation's assets.


Godfrey Businga Jackson–  HR Manager


Godfrey is a seasoned Human Resource Manager with over 15 years experience in Human Resource and Administration Management. He joined Mukutan Conservancy in 2020 and has steered the HR functions to date. Godfrey appreciates the beauty of Mother Nature (different bird species, indigenous trees, natural water springs) and believes in the need to conserve our rich biodiversity for current and future generations.




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